Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Trail Mix

 At our house we love trail mix! It is an easy snack on the go and might I add, healthy!

I usually buy a ready made trail mix from Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. Although they are very good we tend to have a least favorite part of the mix that ends up lingering in the bag. I do not like things that linger So I decided to..........

Make my own trail mix!

First, I went to my favorite hang out ; ) TJ's and picked out the nuts and dried fruits that we favor in our trail:

Second, I mixed the goodies all together in a large bowl: 

Last, I decided to put a few scoops in little baggies so that we can just grab and go. I now have them nicely organized in a basket in my pantry. 

My have they became useful as I take a snack break while my students are reading ; ) My hubby loves them too, they fit into his healthy diet as he is training for yet another 1/2 marathon!

Best part of all: we now like every piece of our trail mix! No more picking out the ones we favor!

What will you put in your trail mix? 

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